Pulp Fiction
The opening credits of Pulp Fiction begin with a still image. The image shows a women holding a gun and a man holding a gun with both of them looking menacing and evil. The use of still image could have been used to suggest that something negative will happen during the film. The image is accompanied by music, which is of a fast pace. The music is almost too hard to keep track off, which could have purposely been chosen to convey the idea that situations will spiral out of control during the film. Also, the image shows us that they’re in a café showing their location, but doesn’t give anything else away making it hard to interpret why they are there. This gives the audience enigma as the audience is left asking questions and therefore will subsequently carry on watching the film. There is a low angle shot of the man and woman, showing that they have power in the situation as we are looking up to them. This image is shown for about 3 seconds. After the image disappears, the background turns black, with yellow block writing of who was involved in the production in the film. The yellow writing is effective as it stands out and takes our attention. After the main individuals involved in production are listed, the title Pulp Fiction is spread across the screen, taking up most of space in yellow block capitals making it seem significant. The words Pulp Fiction have purposely been made big, as it helps to inform the audience what the actual main title of the film is. The actors names began to appear over the Pulp Fiction in white writing, shows a contrast between the creation and acting personnel. The beginning is effective as it presents the information and gives you a small inclination to what the film could be about without telling you anything or showing you any actual footage from the film.