Kick Ass
Kick Ass opens with the word Marv being displayed across the screen, with each letter being a different colour. The background is cloudy blue and once the word Marv has disappeared, the camera tracks the clouds, creating an aeroplane or flying type of experience, relating to a usual super hero film. The use of tracking links to a stereotypical super hero film as a common characteristic of superheroes is that they are able to fly. Automatically, the opening of Kick Ass gives the audience the impression that this film is going to be a typical superhero film. A commotion can also be heard in the background which also poises the idea that there is going to be a danger. The danger could be linked to the earlier superhero indication where in a stereotypical superhero film; the superhero would save the day. A narration from a young man follows, where he is talking about superheroes. On the screen is an establishing shot of New York City, showing the location. A wide shot of a man who has his back to the camera is shown. The man is wearing a red superhero costumes connecting to the earlier narration in the introduction. The camera zooms in on the man until there is a bird’s eye view of the man standing on the building. This is effective as it shows the man’s perspective which is able to convey the emotions he is feeling to the audience. The camera then cuts to the streets where we can see pedestrians reacting to something. It then becomes clear that they are reacting to the man on the top of the building who is about to jump off. The introduction of Kick Ass is successful in the sense that it engages the audience as it poses the question of what the identity is of the man who jumps off the building. This question allows the audience to build a sense of enigma and therefore feel inclined to carry on watching the film.